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Thank you so much for considering our fabulous stallions to enhance your breeding program.

Since this may be the first time you are breeding with us let’s take a few minutes to explain our entire breeding program. Silver Spurs Equine has two locations, Scottsdale Arizona and Purcell Oklahoma and is by far the largest private owner of the most famous reining, working cow, QH racing, barrel racing, and roping stallions in the world. This is a responsibility we take very seriously. While we have the privilege of caring for and managing these wonderful stallions, in our opinion they are international treasures and truly belong to you, the breeder. To assist in your ability to breed to our magnificent stallions we are committed to offering advice and guidance. At Silver Spurs you can always talk to Michael Miola - the owner of Silver Spurs for any help or assistance you may need. To insure that your foal has value we also offer several promotions, and cash incentives. To add to the value of your breeding we offer discounts and privileges that are simply not possible with any other stallion owner or stallion station.

Why do we do this? TO MAKE BREEDING FUN!!!!!


Silver Spurs Equine offers the most incredible line up of stallions in the entire breeding industry. Whether you are breeding to most expensive or our fabulous Junior Stallion's, or anything in-between we have the stallion for you and at a price that you can afford!!!  We offer 35 stallions!!! 


Our SUPER SALE is larger and offering more discounts than ever before!!! During our SUPER SALE we offer incredible discounts of up to 50% and MORE!. Our Super Sale ends on December 31st so please take advantage of it. Our EARLY BOOKING breeding program  ends on January 31st. The SUPER SALE or EARLY BOOKING price's for a stallion will continue until we have booked 75 mares to that stallion or the expiration date of the discount period whichever comes first (January 31st).


Don’t be surprised if you see special sales on certain stallions going on at various times throughout the breeding season.

        ALL Silver Spurs Stallions, except Pale Face Dunnit, and Silver Spurs bred prospect horses purchased at either Silver Spurs in Arizona or in Oklahoma (except those sired by Pale Face Dunnit) are automatically eligible for the SILVER SPURS FUTURITY INCENTIVE AWARD. Starting in 2023 and each year thereafter we hope to award our breeders by matching the 2021 payouts for winning the NRHA and certain European Futurities. Go to the BREEDERS FUTURITY tab for all details where over $600,000 is up for grabs!

Please go to our video blogs tab where Michael will tell you which mares make the GOLDEN CROSS on each of our stallions giving you the best chance to win the futurity.

Breed with us and win it!!!!






DOMESTIC (USA) SHIPPING OF COOLED SEMEN: All cooled semen is shipped FedEx priority overnight. Each shipment costs $345. This price includes a prepaid FedEx label to return the shipping container. (This price is for US domestic shipments only.) 

COUNTER TO COUNTER SHIPPING OF COOLED SEMEN (Same day delivery) available only in certain areas in the US are $505- $550 (depending on originating facility). Please call the office where your stallion is standing to find out if Counter to Counter delivery is available in your area before requesting a Counter To Counter Shipment.

CANADIAN SHIPMENTS OF COOLED SEMEN are sent FedEx Priority Overnight. The cost of the first shipment to Canada is $450. All subsequent shipments are $495.


FOREIGN SHIPMENTS OF FROZEN SEMEN - Silver Spurs has distributors in Europe, Mexico, Brazil and Australia! Please see "International Distributors" for more information.

  • Our highly successful Junior Stallion Breeding Promotion will continue to be attached to every sale of a Senior Stallion breeding. For each breeding you purchase to a Silver Spurs Senior Stallion you are entitled to a reduced fee breeding to anyone of our 4 Junior Stallions.

  • Now that our junior stallion foals are hitting the ground, breeders are seeing for themselves what great sires they are. As a result we now sell more breeding's to our Junior's than we give away, so don't miss out! 

One thing you can count on when breeding with Silver Spurs is that unlike most other stallion owners we are acquirers of stallions not horse traders. When a stallion comes to Silver Spurs he has come to his permanent home! You can breed with confidence knowing that the stallion will be there next year and that we are always here to help and support you. All of our stallions are owned 100% by Michelle and I (with only 2 in partnership),

ALL of our Stallions stand on our ranch's, not some stallion station, and together we  with our Oklahoma family, collect, prepare and ship every box of semen personally.

All of our  2,000 + breeder’s have confidence and rely on the fact that we never acquire or offer a stallion just for the sake of making an acquisition. We ONLY acquire a stallion after doing extensive research to be certain that the acquired stallion represents the very best of his blood line.

We go to great lengths to insure that your foal will have value because we never over breed our stallions. It has been said many times that a breeding to a Silver Spurs Stallion is money in the bank and with good reason; we continually promote our stallions and their offspring with extensive advertising campaigns, horse show sponsorships, and we further enhance their value by providing very lucrative Futurity Incentive Awards. 

Silver Spurs has stallions that will fit every breeder's desires and budget.

In addition we have an excellent group of Junior Stallions
For Every Breeding Purchased to a

Senior Stallion
You Get a Breeding to Any One of our fabulous 

JUNIOR STALLIONS  for paying a small Booking Fee!!!

No other stallion owner promotes their stallions and their offspring like Silver Spurs

Rebreed Policy – Never before in the history of breeding has such a famous collection of stallions been under the control of a single owner. This gives you the breeder tremendous flexibility. We understand that from year to year tastes, mares, and preferences may change. Therefore, if you are entitled to a rebreed, you can rebreed to the Silver Spurs stallion of your choice!!! (Please contact us before deciding to switch stallions because certain costs may apply.)


We realize that when deciding which stallion to breed your mares to you have many choices. We want to earn your business and we are confident that when you compare the quality of our stallions, our constant promotion of our stallions and their offspring, our reasonable breeding fees, free breeding promotions, and Junior Stallion promotions you will find that the total value of a breeding to Silver Spurs stallions is far greater than that of any other competing stallion and that breeding with Silver Spurs is the obvious choice.

Sound like fun…you bet it is!! We hope to have the opportunity to WELCOME you to the Silver Spurs Family of Breeders and thank you again for your confidence in our stallions,


Michelle & Michael Miola, Brett Stone 

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